Baby J is our rainbow baby.
And what a rainbow he has been.
Sometimes there's a storm and then there's some calm when the sun shines and everything seems good, a rainbow even forms, but then the storm rears its ugly head again. Baby J's arrival was much like that.
During my pregnancy I struggled both physically and emotionally. My body was still in recovery mode and I hadn't gotten into as good of shape as I should have. I had pain in my hips, especially my left hip, that made it difficult to sleep, bend, and even walk sometimes. But worse than the physical pain was the emotional pain. I struggled to allow this baby into my heart. I tried, but it was much, much more difficult than I anticipated. I knew that this baby was meant for us, that he could help at least put a bandage on my broken heart, but it was still so hard to let him do that. Until he was born.

Then they whisked him away. Ok, it wasn't so much of a whisking as much as a slow process in which the nurses made me feel like an over-protective, clueless, first-time-mom and the doctors made me worry excessively before they finally determined something was very wrong and that my baby needed more specialized care. The storm had returned. Now I was left with an aching for my baby that was sick along with the permanent ache of grief for Ethne. He was blessed, tested, poked, and monitored more times than I can remember. When he was finally diagnosed a small weight was lifted from my shoulders, the storm lightened a little. But my baby still had to endure surgery and recover. Two very long weeks after his birth my Baby J was able to come home. The storm was over and the rainbow was cast, nearly as bright as the rainbow at his birth.
I am so very much in love with my sweet, happy, and gentle baby boy. I am so grateful for the experiences we have had with him, the bad and the good. He is such a special and brave boy that has blessed our family in so many ways. He is a miracle, in more ways than one, just like a rainbow after a storm. His smile lights up a room. His beautiful red hair and blue eyes, just like his sister's, draw everyone he meets in. I am so very, very thankful for my rainbow baby, not only once, but twice!
Happy birthday, sweet Baby J. Thank you for being our rainbow!
Melissa, your sweet and beautiful way with words continues to amaze and bless me. Thank you for allowing yourself the blessings that are yours to be had and even more for sharing them with each of us.
Thank you for sharing your sweet feelings. We love your rainbow baby too and we are anxious to get acquainted with him before he gets any more grown up. :) Thank you for blessing us with 3 wonderful great grandchildren.
You shared your feelings so perfectly! We are so grateful for all you share and for your sweet family!!
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