Monday, October 7, 2013


This last weekend was LDS General Conference.  I tried my best to pay attention to the talks given, but with a busy little boy it was difficult at times.  There were several talks a I really enjoyed and others I really want to revisit when the Ensign comes next month.  One that stood out to me (and I think to many others) was a talk given by President Uchtdorf on Saturday.

He spoke about the many activities and services members of the LDS church participate in and the fact that, despite declining membership and activity in many other churches across the world, the LDS church is continuing to thrive and grow because of what the Church offers.  He went on to encourage current members to continue in the faith.  To serve and do good and to strengthen their faith.  As he spoke the line that stood out to me was the quote seen above, "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith."

After the accident I was angry and had my doubts.  But with the help of a loving and supportive husband, the love of wonderful family, the smile of my Mr. E, and the hope of an eternal family I held on to my faith and battled with my doubts.  I can testify that this can work.  I attended church, barely there, but I went.  I served in the temple regularly.  I prayed and read scriptures with my family and tried to do the things that I knew I should do.  Eventually my doubts faded and my faith became stronger.  I was more present in my church meetings, temple attendance became more fulfilling and less of an obligation, scripture study and prayer became more personal.  And not only did spiritual matters improve, but personal matters did too-- I was more present with my family, I enjoyed my little boy more and more every day, Lawrence became happier.  Doubt your doubts and faith will grow.

1 comment:

Debbie Freeman said...

Happy tears. Lots of love. And you are amazing and have taught me more than you will ever know. Love you!

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