Friday, May 17, 2019

What kind of mom are you?

A few days ago my sweet friend over at The-Good-Steward shared a post from another blogger mom about what kind of mom she is.  I was inspired and have been thinking about this for the last few days.  Every mom is different and we all have our strengths and our weaknesses and in this social media world we too often only see the strengths.  I try my best to be honest here, so I want to share with you what kind of mom I am, the good and the not so good.

I am a snuggle on the couch while we watch shows kind of mom (excuse me while I sneak in a nap).

I am a let you help me cook and then lick the beaters kind of mom.

I am a make you do your chores, even when you don't want to kind of mom.  A forgive me if your stubbornness causes me to yell sometimes kind of mom.

I am a take the kids to plays and concerts so they learn that entertainment doesn't only come from a screen kind of mom.

I am a picnics, car races, puzzles, and read all the stories kind of mom.

I am a teach the scriptures and other things of eternal importance so you can know your Savior (and siblings and ancestors) kind of mom.

I am an oily (as in essential) kind of mom.

I am a bereaved and missing my babies in heaven so I sometimes cry, a lot, kind of mom.

I am not a super organized kind of mom and my house is often messier than I would like.

I am a try to cook dinner every night, but sometimes it just escapes me and we eat out kind of mom.  I am also a throw away the happy meal toys before the kids see them kind of mom (they didn't know most kids meals came with toys until very recently).

I am not a roll with the punches kind of mom, broken plans really mess with me.

I would much rather stay home with my kids than go out kind of mom.

I am a sometimes lose my cool over something seemingly silly kind of mom, because sometimes I let lots of little and big things build up and a needle just breaks this camel's back.

I am a surprise you with a trip to the park or a playdate kind of mom.

I am an attempts to clock out at bedtime kind of mom, who stays up too late trying to squeeze in a little adult time.

I am a sleep in kind of mom.  Early mornings are for the birds.

I am a sing along and dance in the car kind of mom.

I am a stop to blow the dandelions kind of mom.

Now that you know what kind of mom I am please tell me, what kind of mom are you???

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What kind of mom are you?

A few days ago my sweet friend over at The-Good-Steward  shared a post from another blogger mom about what kind of mom she is.  I was inspir...