While we were busy showing love to others by serving and giving others were busy serving and giving to us. We were recipients of 5 acts of service from others yesterday.

1. When I started backing out of my garage to deliver freezer meals in the morning I looked in my mirror to find a car in my driveway. It was a dark grey color so my first thought was that it was our second car, but I quickly realized that Lawrence was at work and therefore it could not be our car. I put my SUV in park and got out to find a couple neighbors with a small veggie tray for me. They also delivered yummy veggies to some others they thought would use a pick-me-up. We hugged, chatted, and went on our own ways. The veggies were super yummy and really hit the spot both yesterday as a snack and today with lunch. Thank you!!

2. When I got home from the freezer meal delivery I found lovely flowers on my doorstep from my visiting teachers. They brightened my day and now brighten my kitchen. Thank you, ladies, for thinking of me and my family!
3. UPS pulled up in front of our house and delivered a book about life after losing a loved one. My maternal grandmother sent it to me, I knew it was coming, but not when. I found it appropriate that it was delivered on Ethne's birthday. Thank you Grandma!

4. While I was busy frosting Ethne's cupcakes I heard some voices outside my front door. I chose to ignore them until my over-protective dog (not that she's threatening at all) herd them and started barking rather hysterically. I tried to shush her, to no avail. I peeked throughout the window at the top of my front door to spot hands busily taping hearts to our storm door. I chose to leave them to their work and I returned to my cupcakes. I don't know who "heart attacked" us, but I just love it and plan to leave the hearts on the door for the time being. Every time I see them it makes me smile. Thank you, whoever you are!

5. We were a little lackadaisical about finding a babysitter for our temple visit. I tried a cousin, but she had to work, I asked about young women in our ward, but it was mutual night with a meeting about trek, my parents were coming to the temple with us, J&J had to work-- nothing was working out. So I started calling friends and neighbors. Our lovely backyard neighbors were graciously willing to watch our boys for us. They are awesome neighbors and great friends. They watched our boys, weren't upset that we wound up in a later session than we intended to go to, and even took in our crazy dog that
escaped our yard (our fence is rather ineffective at the moment) to check on the boys (like I said, over-protective). Thank you so much, it really meant a lot that you disrupted your evening so we could go to the temple!
our not so threatening dog |
Thank you everyone for your service and especially to those who served us, it really meant a lot that you were thinking of us and helping make Ethne's birthday special and that much sweeter for us.
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