2. If you read this blog regularly then you know about little Ethan who recently passed away after a very long battle with Leukemia. What you may not know is that his sweet mom is pregnant with baby #7 and is due at the end of the month. I remember what it was like after Ethne passed (granted our situations are different). There were days, especially after the help quit coming, that I just didn't want to get out of bed, much less think about making dinner. I knew that my family needed to eat, but when you are grieving it is sometimes difficult to even think about the necessities. Those were the days that I was most grateful for my sweet aunts, grandmother, and mother who had gotten together shortly after the accident and made me a whole bunch of freezer meals-- I had so many that there wasn't room in my freezer for them all and I had to store some at my parents' house. I also very recently had a baby and remember well the exhaustion and busyness of a new baby. Pair the two together and I'm not sure what I would have done. With all this in mind I got to work and put together a handful of freezer meals for Ethan's family. It really didn't take me long to get them all together, but I'm sure it will save Ethan's mom lots of time in the future when she is too tired to even think. I dropped those off to her yesterday morning. We were able to have a nice, short talk and give each other a hug that said more than any dinners ever could. I am so grateful to know Ethan and his family and so thankful that I had the opportunity to help them in this small way.
4. This is another something that Lawrence and I do regularly, and have done every year on Ethne's birthday since she passed away, but still, it is service, and some of the best service we can give. Shortly after Ethne's passing we determined to make her birthday a day to celebrate out eternal family rather than a day to be sad. Yes we miss Ethne terribly, and days like her birthday can be more difficult than other days, but we try. We gather as much of our family as we can and go participate in an endowment session at the temple. We also encourage our family that is far away to participate in their nearest temple. The temple is one of the places we can feel Ethne's spirit best, so we especially feel it is an appropriate place to go on her birthday. We also know that we are helping others who have passed before us and that we are helping Ethne as she is teaching and serving others on the other side of the veil (to learn more about LDS temples just click). This year we were able to attend with my (Melissa's) parents and paternal grandmother. We were sad that more weren't able to attend with us, but understood that work schedules can be hard to get around. The session was made sweeter when my sister, Jessica's, brother and his wife were also in attendance and Lawrence's dad's cousin and her husband were also there. It was really neat to see extra friends and family there, even if they didn't really know the significance of the day for us.
to the Road Home in Salt Lake. I probably should have planned a little better as this didn't go over quite the way I had hoped for it to, but it was good nonetheless. We purchased an outfit, a couple toys, and also took a bracelet set. We hope that the girl(s) who receive these items can feel as loved and as special as Ethne is to us.
We took our boys along with us on all of these projects, except for the temple, and I hope that they can see us serving others and learn to serve as well. We did make sure that Mr. E knew we were going to the temple and why we were going, he really wanted to go with us so we promised him that he could go when he is older and that we would take him to walk around the temple soon.
One last note: I cannot take full credit for this challenge. Several months ago my mom saw someone ask for acts of service for their birthday. She called me and suggested that we try the same kind of thing for Ethne's birthday. I'll admit that I had been thinking about our family doing service on her birthday this year, but I hadn't thought about inviting others to join us. So I just have to say thank you to my mom for the suggestion, it really turned out well!
P.S. This is an official heads up, start planning 6 acts of service for next year.
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