I remember when Mr. E was born. In the hospital Ethne was more concerned with eating pretzels than her brother, but she let us lay him on her lap to take a picture. After we brought him home Ethne slipped easily into the roll of big sister. She wanted to hold the baby, kiss the baby, and help with the baby. She would fetch diapers, give him his binki, play with him, and just wanted to be the best big sister she could be. Ethne loved her baby so much.

When Baby J was born Mr. E also visited in the hospital. He also wasn't sure what to think of this new thing. He didn't want to hold Baby J and he couldn't figure out why mommy kept trying to get him to. He was also a bit jealous, whichever parent was holding Baby J, Mr. E wanted to be held by that same parent. He kept climbing up on the hospital bed to be with me, if I handed Baby J off to Lawrence Mr. E would climb in his lap. He did try to share fruit snacks with Baby J, which was very sweet. Then Mr. E didn't get to see Baby J for 2 weeks because he wasn't allowed in the NICU (flu and respiratory season). Splitting the time was so hard, but that's a whole other can of worms. Mr. E stayed with his grandparents and was very well cared for, but it was hard for him to understand where and why mommy and daddy were all the time. After we brought Baby J home Mr. E really wanted nothing to do with him. We tried to get Mr. E to hold Baby J, to hug him, kiss him, play with him... Mr. E just wasn't interested. For a long time Mr. E just played around Baby J, barely acknowledging his existence. Rarely he would surprise me by asking to hold Baby J, or giving him a kiss. In the last month or so Mr. E has started to help with Baby J, bringing him toys, talking to him, even holding him sometimes. The other night I was putting Mr. E to bed and Baby J was with us, I sat Baby J next to me so I could give Mr. E a hug and kiss. Baby J tipped over and start crying. Mr. E was immediately concerned and wanted to kiss Baby J's bonk better-- made me tear up a little. He has really started to step into the roll of big brother and it makes me so happy. I so look forward to the day that they play together, fight, make massive messes, and lots of noise.
It makes me a little sad that Mr. E never got to that point with his sister, that he hasn't known the joys and frustrations of a sibling yet. But he will, with Baby J. I hope that they will enjoy each other more than they don't, that they will be best friends and stick up for each other. I hope that they will learn to embrace other siblings they may have and know that they are stuck with each other forever and that they will love it (or at least learn to). I am so thankful that Mr. E has accepted Baby J and is starting to be his big brother.
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