2. I love huggies diapers. I'll admit, I haven't really experimented a lot with different brands, but when you find something that works well for you why mess with it? Plus, it's what the hospitals all used, so it has to be good, right? I like the snug and dry and the little snugglers (I know snug and dry got a bad rap a little while back and there was a recall, but I've never had issues with them). They have great elastic waistbands and leg bands that keep stuff in and they are super absorbent, bonus that Mr. E likes the Mickey Mouse designs on them.

4. I mentioned, a few posts back, the combination of items that I found to help keep diaper rash at bay (I also mentioned that I didn't want to endorse certain products, but I love this stuff so much that I wasn't to shout it off the rooftops). I tried lots of different diaper rash creams and remedies before finding this little beauty and I tell you, the package doesn't lie. It says that it will reduce redness in 1 diaper change, and it does! There is magic in this diaper cream. Since finding it I have used a few other creams when I ran out of balmex and nothing has done as great a job as the balmex. My nearest walmart has had packages with coupons on them, but you can print a coupon for it here.
5. Last, but not least, is the magic that is stoma powder. You have to buy this little beauty from a medical supplier, and if you want insurance to pay for it (it ranges in price from $7-$200/bottle) you need a recommendation from a doctor. I ran out of it for a few weeks about a month after Baby J's surgery and learned what this stuff really does for him. When I was out of stoma powder I made sure to get his bottom dry before applying the cream, but he still developed a small rash. The stoma powder absorbs moisture and works some additional magic in a partnership with the cream. For a yeasty rash I use nystatin powder in place of the stoma powder, it does its job, but not as well as the stoma powder. If you can't get a dr. to sign a note for stoma powder I've heard that corn starch can be a pretty good substitute.
These are my HD diaper duty essentials.
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