Sorry I've been MIA the last little while, I have been struggling with what to post. But this post practically wrote itself...
I have been in unfamiliar territory for a few months now, Mr. E passed his sister in age last fall. But with his birthday here it has become more real. He is such a sweet, fun boy. He is doing so many things that make me smile... and others that make me want to pull my hair out. Since 3 years equals 36 months here's 36 fun things about my big boy.

2. He loves to splash in the water, be it the pool or the tub.
3. He can get dressed all by himself. Sometimes he puts his shirts on upside down, or his pants on backwards, but given another chance he will get it right.
4. Mr. E is mostly potty trained.
5. He gets his shoes on the right feet, without any help the majority of the time.

7. He loves his brother. Most of the time he plays around Baby J, but there are moments when Mr. E is very sweet to him and they just melt my heart.
8. He speaks very well. He has lots of words and uses them well, sometimes a little too well.
9. Even though he is a busy boy he likes to snuggle. He loves one-on-one time with mommy or daddy and snuggles are often what he wants most when he gets it.
10. His favorite movie is a little fluid, but he always goes back to Despicable Me.
11. He does and awesome Bugs Bunny impression.
12. Mr. E is allergic to chocolate and has some kind of dairy intolerance. We are hopeful he will grow out of this.
13. Mr. E loves to sing. We sing songs when he lays down for nap time and bedtime and he often sings along, he can also be heard singing while he plays.

14. Mr. E loves nursery. He gets excited to go to nursery every time he sees us in church clothes-- it's hard to dash his hopes when it's not Sunday.
15. He loves to help me in the kitchen. He will often grab and chair and bring it to the counter so he can help me make dinner, cake, cookies, etc.
16. He loves chicken.
17. Mr. E enjoys watching tv. He loves Phineas and Ferb, Mickey Mouse, and Bugs Bunny, among others.
18. Mr. E enjoys doing puzzles and is very good at them.
19. He loves to count and can count to 12 all by himself and 20 with a little help.
20. He doesn't like his hands to be dirty. If they get messy he stops what he is doing and runs to wash them.
21. He can be very independent and likes to do many things by himself, but every so often he gets it into his head that he needs help with something and it's hard to get him to change his mind.

23. When he gets stuck or sees that someone needs help he calls for "Toodles" to bring a mouseketool to help (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse).
24. He likes to tease. When Lawrence comes home after he's in bed he hides from Lawrence when he goes to kiss him good night.
25. He still likes to play with my hair.
26. Mr. E loves his Ginger puppy.
27. He thinks the Disney castle is a temple.
28. His favorite treat at the moment is marshmallows.
29. Despite his issues with dairy, he loves cheese.
30. He loves to play with his uncles, they are his best friends.
31. He calls popsicles ice cream.

33. He likes to tell us what to do, that doesn't mean that we do it, but he still likes to try.
34. Mr. E is a lip kisser. We don't know where he picked it up, but he kisses everyone on the lips. If you try to kiss him goodbye or goodnight anywhere else he will grab your face and make you kiss him on the lips.
35. He loves kitties, really he likes just about any animal.
36. He hates anything tomato.
He is a sweet, smart, talented, loving boy and we wouldn't trade him for anything. Happy birthday, Mr. E!! We love
you so much!
Happy birthday, "Eggward," from "the guys!" :)
Happy Birthday, Edward! We love this sweet helping us to know you better post your mom wrote about you! We love you too!!!
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