When we decided to start having kids we planned that they would be spaced 2-3 years apart. We both liked that this spacing would allow us time to enjoy each child and their unique selves. But when Ethne was only about 10 months old (or so) our plans changed. At the time we were living just a block or so down the street from the Rexburg temple and so we took advantage of this proximity by going once a week for a month while we were between school semesters. Every time I go to the temple I try to pay attention to what is being said and usually one or two things will stand out to me. Every time that month things about multiplying and replenishing the earth, joy in posterity, etc. stood out to me. It almost felt like it was being screamed at me. So I brought it up. Lawrence wasn't necessarily feeling the same way, but we decided that we would just stop preventing it and let the chips fall where they may. 4 weeks later we had our answer.
It was a scary prospect, since I was planning to student teach Jan.-Apr. and would be pregnant through it, but it seemed that it was meant to be. It was also a little scary to think that we would have kids about 20 months apart, but my parents did it and we didn't hate each other, so we knew it could work.
The pregnancy started out a little scary, but progressed much like Ethne's pregnancy had; no morning sickness, some tiredness, but overall I felt pretty good. Doctor visits started a little late because we moved to Utah, but things were still going well. I started student teaching and that went well too. I was working with a great teacher and great kids. Then the student teaching came to an end and all I had to do was wait for our little man to make his debut.
He was happy from day one. A good baby who was almost always smiling and rarely cried. He ate well, slept well, and his sister absolutely adored him. Then I had to go back to work, things were tight and a part-time job presented itself. My mom babysat for free, another blessing.

Then the accident happened and for a moment i was afraid I had lost him too. But then he came to my hospital room, all smiles, and trying to pull tubes out of mommy. My ray of sunshine! He spent as much time as he could with me, especially after they took out all my iv's an oxygen. He'd sit still while i snuggled him, and even take naps with me. When I wasn't supposed to pick him up he would pull himself up on the furniture just to be closer to me and give me a sweet smile. Even now he helps me smile through the tears with his crazy antics, dizzy dancing, sweet singing, and contagious laughter. He is always ready with a smile just for me and I am so thankful for it.
I am thankful that I listened to promptings and didn't wait for him. I am thankful that he was hardly hurt in the accident. I am thankful for the wonderful helper he tries to be. I am thankful for the wonderful big brother he is going to be. And most of all I am thankful that he helps me smile through the tears.
1 comment:
What a BLESSING that you listened to the promptings you received in the temple.
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