Monday, May 14, 2012


The flyers for all the restaurant fundraisers are up!  you can find them at THIS blog.  Or you can get them here!


- Bake Sale and Wrist Band Sale during the school day

- FUN RUN Event
- 6:00 at Bluffdale City Park (14400 South 2395 West, Bluffdale)
- Cost is $5 per person or $20 per family

- NYPD Pizza profit share/give back night
- A portion of ALL proceeds for the night will be donated to the Helping Hands Fund (in the American Preparatory
Education Foundation).


- Bake Sale and Wrist Band Sale during the school day

- Chili's Give Back Night (South Towne Location AND Riverton Location)
- A portion of proceeds (with a flyer attached to the receipt) will be donated to the Helping Hands Fund (in the American Preparatory Education Foundation)
- An electronic copy of the flyer will be available soon. Please disburse them to anyone you wish.


- Bake Sale and Wrist Band Sale during the school day

- Rumbi Island Grill Profit Share/Give Back Night (Draper Location only)
- A portion of proceeds (with a flyer attached to the receipt)will be donated to the Helping Hands Fund (in the American Preparatory Education Foundation).
- An electronic copy of the flyer will be available soon. Please disburse them to anyone you wish.


- Bake Sale and Wrist Band Sale during the school day

- Sweet Tomatoes FunRaiser Event (South Towne Location)
- A portion of proceeds (with a flyer attached to the receipt) will be donated to the Helping Hands Fund (in the American Preparatory Education Foundation).
- An electronic copy of the flyer will be available soon. Please disburse them to anyone you wish.


- Bake Sale and Wrist Band Sale during the school day


- Silent Auction Begins at 6:00 pm at Bingham High School (2160 West 10400 South, South Jordan).
- There are several really great items up for auction so far!

- Benefit Concert begins at 7:00 featuring:
- American Preparatory Academy Band, Choir, and Orchestra students
- Bingham High School Jazz Band
- Quintessence Woodwind Quintet
- Calee Reed

- Wrist Band Sales and Bake Sales will be ongoing through the night (before/after concert and intermission)

Thank you all so much!

1 comment:

Debbie Freeman said...

So exciting and so amazing everything that is being done!!

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