Since loosing Ethne I find myself looking for tender mercies that let me know she is still around, that she is watching over us, and is still part of our lives. I try to see something every day. Some things make me smile, others make me cry, and yet others make me do both at the same time.

One time, when Samantha was snuggling on my lap I noticed a spray of freckles across her nose and cheeks. I reflected on the story someone had told me of the origin of freckles and started crying. I told Samantha about freckles being kisses from angels and asked her if she thought hers might come from Ethne. She smiled so big, wrapped her arms around me, and nodded-- I love this little girl and her sweet spirit that seems to know just what I need sometimes. Now, every time I see Samantha I see the freckles that she proudly wears on her happy little face and I think of my sweet, happy little girl, and I know that she is watching over us, always.
It made me cry. We think of you often and pray for you.
Aunt Marla
Those two precious little girls had such a tight bond from the start. I'm completely convinced they had a tight bond in the pre-existence and will share a special friendship eternally. I'm so grateful for temple ordinances that seal all of us as a family and thank Heavenly Father every day for this precious blessing.
That is so very sweet!
Malissa, I know that our Heavenly Father has Ethney give you these tender mercies all the time to help you know she's still with you. I love the fact that you and Lawrence are continuing to blog about your expiriences. It helps us all as im sure you know. Lots of prayers come your way continually. We are all blessed by the Lord. You are an awesom family and Im proud to know most of it.
There is no doubt that these tender mercies will continue as you recognize, acknowledge, and share them. Thank you. You continue to help me see the beauty in everything...even something as simple and small as a freckle.
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