Today I've been thinking about you a lot. OK, I think about you a lot every day, but more so today than normal. Today we went to the Pioneer Day parade in Saint Anthony with Grandma and Grandpa Stone and I couldn't help but remember when we went to the parade with you two years ago.
You sat in your stroller so cute and wore your hat the whole time, unlike your brother. You sat and smiled and played with everyone who talked to you and watched the parade go by. Then we came back to Grandma and Grandpa's house and you played some more. You played bubbles with cousin Samantha and you swung on the swing with me. You ate some lunch with your daddy on the picnic blanket, and before too long you were so worn out we just had to put you down for a nap.
I miss you today. Thinking of all the things we did with you, and doing many of those same things today, without you, it was a tough day. But I had Edward to share it with, and your daddy by my side. You would have been so proud of your daddy, he walked a 5-K! He finished in 49 min. and got a prize for being the second place finisher of all the walkers. Next year he's going to run it, and I just might join him. Uncle Mike, Grandma Stone, and Grandpa Stone all participated as well, it was really neat to see all of them finish.
I want you to know that I'm trying to be ok. I try not to cry too much, but I just miss you so. Being surrounded by lots of people is hard, even when they're people I know. But having your daddy with me makes it a little easier. I know I need him and I know he can help me get through this. He is my rock, he holds me firmly in place and helps keep me doing the things I should be doing. He reminds me of why we do certain things and he helps me make it through every day. Your brother helps too. I'm so glad he is here and he is so happy all the time. He can make me smile, even on my gloomiest of days. He is such a happy boy and we love him so dearly, just as we do you.
I love you so much, my princess, I hope you know that.
your mommy
Beautiful. Love you Lis!!
I admire your strength and Petspective. I don't know how you function each day as well as you do. You are such an inspiration.
She is proud of you too. The memories you made are so beautiful and sacred. I appreciate you sharing them, even when it is hard. Your collective faith and strength is a miracle in and of itself. We love you!
Ah, this was beautiful. It made me cry a little. You're doing so great and you're an inspiration. Love you.
We love our sweet memories of Ethne and love reading and hearing and seeing yours. Your faith has strengthened ours. Thank you for sharing such tender spiritual feelings.
Thank you, Melissa. I really missed her, too. When Angela and I ran/walked the 5K, we felt we were literally running with angels--she with Danny and me with Ethne. Thinking of Ethne and knowing she still loves me as I still love her, even though she is on the other side of the veil, keeps me working hard to progress in every area of my life. I hope to run the whole way with Lawrence next year.
I hope you can run it with us next year, too. Larry and I reflected on Monday, the 6-month mark, about how miraculous it is that you have progressed in your physical healing as much as you have. Having you and Lawrence here and seeing your strength let us know that you are both doing so well, and you inspire us to do better.
This made me cry. I just stumbled on your blog. I am very tired and just took a break with looking after my 2 year old son. I admire your strength. I wish you and your family happiness. -M.
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