Friday, June 1, 2012


I have always worn a seatbelt.  Back in high school I was in a car accident that, had I not been wearing a seatbelt, probably would have killed me.  I would have been ejected from the car and left in worse shape than I was from this most recent accident, but because I was wearing a seatbelt all I suffered was a separated AC joint (the joint where the collar bone joins the shoulder) and bruises.

Had I not been wearing a seatbelt on Feb. 6 I would not be writing this today.  Here are some stats and facts that may have you rethinking the decision to buckle up the next time you hop into a car:

Research shows that 42% of persons involved in car accidents in 2007 were not wearing seat belts.  Seat belts saved more than 75,000 lives between the years of 2004 to 2008.  Seat belts are the single most effective safety step when riding in a car.  (

Did you know that males between the ages of 16 to 25 have some sort of invincibility complex? They seem to think that they will never get into an accident or they will never get hurt if they do, so they are less likely to wear a seatbelt.  However, they are often at a higher risk of more serious accidents because they are also more likely to drive drunk, speed, or text and drive. This is sad but true: Men are 77 percent more likely to die in a car accident than women, according to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University. Our boyfriends and husbands should thank us when we nag them to Wear their seat belts!

Here's some more numbers for you...

1 in 5 drivers will be involved in a car accident this year.
You are more likely to be killed or injured when thrown from a vehicle, which happens most often when you are not wearing a seatbelt.  (
Seatbelts reduce risk of fatality by 45% and injuries by 50%.  (

Most states have seatbelt laws and you can get ticketed for not wearing your seatbelt, or for your passengers not wearing their seat belts (I know, my mom got one when I was in high school, for her passenger not wearing a seatbelt).

I suppose that what I'm trying to say is, wear your seatbelt. Any time you get in your car.  Doesn't matter if you are driving around the corner or to another state.  Most accidents occur within 5 minutes of your home, on roads that you think you know well. Seatbelts save lives, period.  Wear one, always.  Teach your children to wear them, start now so that buckling up will be a habit they will carry throughout their lives.  Since the accident my little brothers check that everyone has buckled up, they will probably never forget their seat belts.  It takes seconds to do, so just do it, and save a life or two.



Debbie Freeman said...

Love this!

Mom and Dad said...

Great post, Melissa! Excellent reminder!

Unknown said...

I've always worn my seatbelt, and it saved my life in 1996, when my tire blew out and my vehicle rolled 7 times. I spent almost a year in the hospital, but I have a great life thanks to my seatbelt! My husband's 16 year old nephew wasn't wearing a seatbelt when he got in an accident. He was ejected, and sadly died the next morning. EVERYONE needs to wear their seatbelt!


Unknown said...

god bless you all, use seatbelt and eat apples!!!

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