We all have a little quirk that we use to help comfort us. When I was young I had this orange, gingham, tied blanket that I liked because I could play with the ties to help me sleep-- I still find myself playing with ties on blankets to this day. I'm sure you could pinpoint one or two things you do that are similar.
My kids are no different. Ethne had to touch my rings. She would hold my hands and find my wedding ring or the ring I wear on my right hand (sometimes both) and rub the diamond with her thumb. I think it's how she knew it was me. Mr. E plays with ties on blankets and with hair. We often find him sleeping with his hands above his head, playing with his own hair, but mommy's hair is best. It used to drive me crazy, he would wrap my hair around his fingers then pull, hard, to get them out and start over. He doesn't do the wrap and pull thing anymore, but he still likes to play with my hair, he will often ask me to let a ponytail down so he can play with it. For now Baby J likes to be swaddled or held tight, even in the NICU they had to use a "frog" (a weighted bag that they place on babies to make them feel like they're being held) to keep him happy at nights when we weren't there. But there is one constant comforter for all my babies-- music, or really, one song in particular, "A Bushel and a Peck."

A while back I posted about
how this song became a staple in our home. Those memories of singing with Ethne, her wrapped tightly in may arms while she rubbed my rings are still among my favorites. Her sweet voice in unison with mine as we would sing "doodle, doodle, doodle..." is something I never want to forget. After the accident it was often the only thing that would settle Mr. E down when he got upset and now it is the last song he wants to hear before he goes to sleep. This song is the first thing I "said" to Baby J after he was born, I couldn't think of any better words to give him, and now it is also a great comfort for him. When I share this simple tune with my boys I like to think that their sister is with us, singing right along and helping to comfort all of us...
"doodle, doodle, doodle, doo..."
1 comment:
Sweet memories. :)
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