Despite being up a large portion of the night last night with an upset stomach and the general discomfort of being 8-months-pregnant I am thankful for sleep. I Think this lack of sleep over the last few months has made me appreciate it more than I have before. I am deeply grateful that I have a very nice bed, with a good mattress, lots of pillows, and plenty of blankets to make even 8-months-pregnant sleep comfortable (or as comfortable as it can be). I am thankful for what little sleep I do get because I know what lack of sleep does to me, and it isn't pretty.

I am also thankful for a child who sleeps quite well. I hear so many moms whose children struggle to sleep through the night or don't take decent naps. I am thankful that Mr. E goes down to bed (most nights) by about 8:30pm and doesn't wake up until 8 or 8:30 am (yes, I must brag). I am also thankful that he takes a good nap of an hour and a half to two hours most days. He IS that good!

Lastly I am thankful for my sweet hubby who will snuggle with me while we sleep. He worked overnights for a while and sleep just didn't come as easily during those months I had to sleep without him. It was hard to let him sleep too, because a certain little boy didn't understand why his daddy wanted to sleep when he just wanted to play. When Lawrence started his new job with regular hours we all got more sleep. I am additionally thankful that Lawrence can sleep through most anything. My constant in and out of bed recently would likely upset the sleep of a lesser man, but not my Lawrence. The only thing that really wakes him is if I get too lazy to walk to my side of the bed and try to climb over him, then he gets into defensive mode and tries to tackle me.
Sleep may not come easily right now, but I sure am thankful for it.
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