Day 23: Thankful for the Sabbath day. Thankful that there is a day of the week set aside for spiritual feasting and family time. Grateful that Lawrence was able to have this last Sunday off and we were able to be present when his sister spoke about her mission. Thankful for all the time I am able to spend with family and friends on Sundays. Thankful for a day to rest from chores and errands and just relax with my sweet boy and husband.

Day 25: I am thankful for our dog. From the time we were engaged Lawrence made sure I understood that we would, one day, own a dog. We put it off until we had a yard for said dog to run around in because we saw and heard dogs in our last apartment and the problems they could cause and the trouble we would have to go to to clean up after one. After we moved into our house we decided Mr. E would get a puppy for his birthday. This resolve didn't exactly last as long as it should have... We liked to stop by pets stores when they had outreaches from the local animal shelters and Mr. E loved looking at the puppies and would get so sad when we would leave without one. One day, while out running some errands, our local Walmart had an outreach truck outside, so we decided to stop. Inside Mr. E and I found this darling, red spaniel puppy. We fell in love and couldn't leave without her. This was about two months before Mr. E's birthday... She has been such a wonderful addition to our family. She was already house trained, spayed, and had her shots. She doesn't bark a whole lot, and she puts up with endless torture from Mr. E. She also gets along well with my parents' dog (which is nice when we go out of town). She has super soft fur and is very affectionate. I can't believe the luck we had in finding our darling Ginger dog and I am so thankful for her and the friend she is to Mr. E.
And finally, day 26... Today I am thankful for cameras to help me capture and preserve memories. I am thankful for pictures from my childhood that remind me of old friends and old experiences. I am thankful for pictures of my wedding day to remind me of that special day. I am thankful for pictures of my ancestors. And I am most thankful for pictures of my kids to show me how they have grown.

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