Today I am grateful for my brother, Josh and his beautiful wife. Josh and I were partners in crime as kids and best of friends when we were older. We built forts, put holes in walls that we weren't supposed to, played house, barbies (mostly he just liked to throw my Ken doll around the yard and see which body parts would pop off), legos, pool, nintendo, and shot each other with airsoft BB guns. We were there for each other through thick and thin. We had our moments of rivalry and fighting, and even scared some of our friends once or twice. But no mater what, I knew I could always count on my brother.
It was sad for me to not have him at my wedding, but I knew he was out doing the things he was supposed to be doing and I was doing what I was supposed to as well. It was also a little sad for me to not have him around during my first pregnancy. I just knew he was going to be the best uncle, and he was (and still is).
Then he married a wonderful and beautiful woman who is so patient with him and with our crazy family. She is so sweet to always be willing to babysit my crazy boy. She is so patient to rock climb and camp with Josh, even though the camping thing isn't really her cup of tea. She is the greatest aunt named Jessica my kids will ever have.
After the accident they were there. Josh and Jessica were wherever they were needed and so patient to just sit and wait, watch Mr. E or my younger brothers, clean, change diapers, and help with blessings.

So thank you, Josh, for being my brother, and for marrying your wonderful wife. Thank you for all you do for me and my family. And thank you Jessica for being so patient with our crazy family and for marrying my brother. You two will always be my favorite brother named Josh and my favorite Sister-in-law named Jessica!
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