So I'll just start by saying how grateful I am for Thanksgiving, a special day set aside to be extra grateful. Hopefully I am still being grateful enough every day.
Next, I want to thank everyone how reads this Blog and still continues to support us. Whenever I get on to see how many people who are looking at this blog every day, I can't help but feel that love and support from so many of you even now that it's been over 9 months. So thank you to everyone who is still checking in on us. Hopefully we help to uplift your spirits as well.
Now, I want to write about something I am especially grateful for, my family. This does include all of my family and in-laws, but today I'm going to talk specifically about my wife and kids.
Melissa has been a great wife. Even in this hard time of physical and emotional trials, she still finds a way to support and help me out. Things like getting up before 5 AM every day to help get me a lunch ready for work and push me out the door. There are a lot of things I would just not be motivated to do if she wasn't always pushing me. Plus, I enjoy talking about and comparing books that we are reading, or wanting to read.
Next there is our little boy. I am going to use a quote out of a book that I recently read to explain how I feel about Edward. I hesitate to use this quote because I'm just not sure it's a book I would recommend, but it does express my feelings. The book is "Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter" and the quote is supposedly from Mr. Lincoln himself about his own son Robert. He said, "I am his servant, for I shall do anything to earn his slightest smile." I find myself working for his smile and his giggle as much as I can. I think its partially because i miss Ethne's giggle so much. The older he gets, the more his giggle resembles her's. But he's also the happiest little boy you can find. He hardly ever cries and rarely whines about anything. He is a great example of joy and happiness.

Last I want to talk about Ethne. Ethne still stands out in my mind as the best example of love. Just before the accident I read about how George Albert Smith's love for people. He gained that love because he worked to see people as the Savior saw them. Reflecting on Ethne's life, i think that she had (has) that same type of love. Now, whenever I read in the scriptures or hear the prophets talk about the love of a child, or being like a child, I think of Ethne. Her love and concern for everyone (even those she didn't know - which was concerning sometime because we might not know them either) stands out in my mind as the greatest example of Christ-like love. It helps me a lot, as I consider my shortcomings as a parent, to think about how she still loved me so much, no matter how I would screw up. Our little boy has been helping out there as well.
I hope you have all taken some time to write down things that you are grateful for this year. I know that I try to come up with a list of 100 different things every year. Try it, by the time you get to 100 you won't want to stop.
Thank you for your post. Thank you for uplifting me every time you and Melissa post here. And I am grateful to call you family and for the time I was able to spend with you at Thanksgiving. We love you guys!
I have learned a lot about showing love for others because of so many wonderful examples of love and compassion that have been shown to us all, especially over the past year. I will always treasure the example you all set for me. I, too, appreciate the way Ethne showed unconditional love for everyone.
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