Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Last Memory

A little while ago we got on and asked people to share some of their favorite memories about Ethne so that we could keep them in a scrapbook and remember them.  There is so much that we never want to forget, and that's why we ask you to share these memories.  After asking this I have been debating on what memory I would like to share.  I don't know if it's my all time favorite memory, but it is probably my most important memory; it's the memory of the last moment I had with Ethne before the accident.

I usually would have to leave for work at 5:15 AM and wouldn't wake up the kids before I left so Melissa could go back to sleep a little before they got up.  That week my schedule had just changed and I didn't have to leave until 7:15.  I had really wanted to start having family prayer in the morning with the kids joining us.  Before it would just be Melissa and I.  I debated that morning if I should wake them up or not.

Like always, I was going to sneak in and give the kids a kiss, but this time, in hopes that they would wake up.  I think Edward may have already been awake, but I'm not sure.  I do know that Ethne woke up and I carried her into our bedroom while she gave me a hug and a kiss like she always would. We sat down on the bed with mommy and Ederd (Edward - that's who she would say it) for family prayer.  Afterwards she was asking to watch puppies (Up) on the computer.  I gave her another hug and kiss as I laid her on the bed.  I don't remember specifics of what was said next, but I imagine it was like most mornings and went something like this.  I told her that I loved her and she said, " I lub you daddy,"  and then I would tell her to be good for mommy and grandma.

Since that day I would give anything for one more hug from her, but looking back at this last memory I really can't complain to much.  As far as last memories go, I don't think it could be any better.  I am so grateful for all of the memories that have been shared with us.  They mean a lot and we hope that you continue to share memories in the "thoughts of love"  section where you can leave comments.

Before I close, I just want to add my thanks to Shauna's for everyone who has helped. The other day I was talking to one of my best friends from high school about all of the help we have been getting and I mentioned to him that I never knew you could feel the prayers of others so strongly carrying you up.  I have literally felt your prayer holding us in the hardest times through all of this and pray that when enter the most difficult trials of your life, that that same love will be there for you, holding you up as it has us.  May God love you all for your support, and know that we love you all as well.


Unknown said...

I think my favorite memory of Ethne was from this last summer. You were all up for a weekend and Melissa brought Edward and Ethne over for a visit. I was holding Edward and Ethne was just happy to be there. After a little while she kept walking over to the door and trying to open it up. When Melissa would tell her that they weren't leaving yet and she would run back over to her mom. After running back and forth a few times she noticed that Corey was laying on the ground. She would run over to the door and when Melissa would tell her to come back she would crawl over Corey. After she realized how much fun this was she did it every time she would have walked passed him. I just remember how much fun it was to have everyone there in our apartment that day to visit and spend some time with you and your children. Thank you for all of the opportunities you gave us to spend time with your sweet Ethne.

Debbie Freeman said...

It was always so obvious how much she treasured all of you and it is evident why. We love your sweet family!!

Larry the Bass Guy said...

Christiana - Thanks for sharing your experience. That was one of Ethne's favorite things to do, to climb and to slide. Whenever I would lay on the floor she would climb up my back and slide down my stomach. She though that was great fun. She would even try to slide down the back of the tub. Even if she missed the back of the tub and just fell on her butt, she had fun and would get back up and try again.

Mom and Dad said...

I thought I shared this before but I can't find it on the blog--
One of the memories I will always treasure with Ethne is our time together during the Christmas morning sacrament meeting last December in Lawrence and Melissa’s ward. They were both participating in the musical program, Melissa on her flute and Lawrence on his bass fiddle. When I sat down Ethne came over to sit next to me. I put my arm around her and she snuggled up to me. Soon after the program began she fell asleep. She fell asleep to the most beautiful Christmas program we had ever heard—for Ethne, a lullaby from her parents and many others who loved her. Melissa and Lawrence said she never fell asleep in church for them. Love, GGrandma Edwards

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