From the time they were babies, Samantha and Ethne did well together. They started out playing with dolls, then as they got older added just about anything in site! Although Ethne was much more daring than Samantha! One time we went swimming at a hotel my parents were staying at. Samantha screamed as soon as she hit the water. She was much happier sitting on Grandpa's lap and watching Ethne, who took to the water like a fish! Ethne would jump in and out of the water while Samantha was happy to cheer her on.
Ethne was always so sweet to give hugs! I think I have more pictures of the two girls hugging, than of them doing any other activity!
On Samantha's birthday in January, Lawrence, Melissa, and their kids came over. When it was time for Samantha to open presents, Ethne plopped down beside her and helped. I was worried Samantha would get mad, but she didn't. She just moved the present towards Ethne and said Ethne could help.
My family was so blessed to spend the weekend before the accident with Ethne and her family. I will always remember Ethne and Samantha walking back and forth from the living room to Ethne's room. Every time they came back, each of them would be wearing a new pair of princess shoes or carrying some doll. Everything they did, they did it together. Right before we went home, the kids all took a bath together. After getting the boys clean, the girls got to play in purple water (at Ethne's request)! They loved it!!! Ethne walked all over the tub to get whatever toy she needed. Samantha sitting right in her way was not a problem! They were so happy to have just a little more time to play!
I will forever be thankful for the love those girls have for each other. And I believe it will continue through eternity!
I love all these pictures and the memories!! Thank you for sharing!! Beautiful girls!!
We love hearing about this sweet time your families had together--here and as Melissa recorded it too. What precious moments you have to cherish until Samantha and Ethne can hug each other again.
Love, GG Edwards
Heidi-thank you for sharing such fun memories! I loved reading it and seeing all the fun pictures. What absolutely adorable little girls!!! PS: Samantha did a fabulous job at the funeral singing. It was so incredibly sweet!
Heidi, Thank you for sharing. Kindred spirits are fun to watch. I know we will all continue to treasure your sweet post.
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