I had another doctor's appointment today. It was with Neurology in regards to my whiplash and skull fractures. They took some x-rays and I angered the machine with my necklace. We were crossing our fingers (and toes, and any other potentially lucky things to cross) that they would allow me to take the neck brace off for short periods or possibly put me in a soft brace and that they would lift the weight restriction (I haven't been allowed to lift anything over 10 pounds). Unfortunately both those hopes were dashed to pieces. The skull fracture they are most concerned about is healing, but not enough to allow me to take the brace off. I have another follow up on May 14, so with any luck (and a lot of prayer) things will be better and I can ditch the brace (if only for short periods at a time) or get a soft brace.
In other news I am walking with a cane full time now. I have significantly less pain all around and I only take pain killers at bedtime to make it a little more comfortable to sleep. I am still working on my physical therapy exercises and I feel like I'm getting stronger, though I'm afraid Mr. Edward may be up and walking before I am walking solo, he's working really hard at the crawling thing right now.
Lawrence is back to work and training for his new position. We need to get ourselves into a better habit of going to bed earlier because he is tired a lot of the time, but it's good for at least one of us to get back to "normal." Convergys had been really good to Lawrence through all of this and continues to be good to him, we have been really blessed with this job.
We still feel the prayers and love being sent our way and thank you all for your love and support.
Living life after loss with faith, perseverance, family, and a lot of love. Learning to live with a rare disease. And homeschooling through it all. (Formerly prayers for the family)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
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We love you, Melissa!
Thanks for the update! We will keep all crossable things crossed and we will hope will all our might that we can have a "no more neck brace" party in May!! Just another excuse to come visit you. :)
Sorry about that bad news, but I'm glad you are being blessed with strength! You guys are in my prayers every day! Hugs
We continue to be impressed with your positive attitude, your faith and your courage. We are all learning from you.
Love, GGrandpa and GGrandma Edwards
I am so glad to read how you are doing, and for how awesome Lawrence's job is being. You are in my prayers every day - I hope you keep improving!!
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