Monday: 4:00 am I woke up and fed Baby J his last meal. Then Lawrence and I dragged ourselves out of bed, got ready and headed for the hospital. We checked in at 7am and waited. Baby J was fairly happy and smiley, and was patient, at least for a while. We waited some more and waited some more while Baby J became more and more upset, and they finally called us back to finish checking in. They weighed and measured Baby J then had us strip him and scrub him clean with some special wipes and put him in clean hospital jammies. And Baby J got really mad, he was starving! Then we went to wait for the anesthesiologist to come get us. And Baby J cried. And we waited some more. And they told us that it would be ten minutes, then a half hour, and another half hour. Somewhere in there Baby J gave up and went to sleep. His surgery got pushed back 2 hours because of an emergency. Finally the anesthesiologist came and we signed some papers. They took Baby J and told us to check in at the waiting room. We checked in and my mom stayed and crocheted while Lawrence and I went for food, surgery was scheduled to take 4 hours. After about 2 and a half hours we got a call from a nurse letting us know that everything was going well and they had about an hour left. Surgery took just over 3 hours. Then we went to recovery. Baby J was crying and in pain. They gave him medicine and settled him down before sending us upstairs to his room. The rest of the day was just keeping him happy and giving him medicine for his pain.

Tuesday: More pain management. As long as he got medicine as scheduled life was good. he was very sleepy and had a catheter so there weren't any diapers to change yet.
Wednesday: Much like Tuesday. We tried to cut back on his heavy pain meds and they gave him a different pain medicine to help. We also tried to give him some Pedialyte. He took some of it, but then screamed and had a lot of pain so we stopped. At about 6pm I went out to pump some milk and when I came back the nurse informed me that we had poop! I have never been so excited to see a poopy diaper! He was still having a lot of pain, mostly from gas so we went back to the schedule for his heavy pain meds. He continued to do his "duty" the rest of the night and slept well.
Thursday: Since he pooped we were able to try feeding him more. We gave Baby J some Pedialyte and he took it anxiously. Later we tried some milk, which he also took very well... until he threw it up. So we cut back. We tried less milk, but he threw that up too. This was discouraging since we were hoping to go home Friday. They gave him some anti-nausea medicine and some zantac and he seemed better, but the doctors still said to hold off.
Friday: He slept well Thursday night and his tummy seemed calmer. I went and pumped for the morning since the doctors told us to start with the Pedialyte. He refused the stuff and rooted for milk, so I nursed him. He was the happiest baby in the world! He ate for 20 minutes and was content. They gave him more zantac and anti-nausea medicine and he kept it down. After 2 hours he cried and acted hungry again, so I fed him more-- he was just so excited to be eating again. But then there was more throwing up, lots of it. So then there was a bath and fresh bedding and clothes. At the tree hour mark I fed him again. This time he seemed more cautious and didn't eat quite as quickly or as long and he kept it down! This was a huge milestone for him to get to go home. The rest of the day went well and he only had one other episode of throwing up.
Saturday: Going home! The surgery team stopped by and said that since he kept his feeds down for 12 hours and was taking his tylenol orally we could go home. It was a long hour waiting for the discharge paperwork to come, but so exciting to go home.
1 comment:
So glad you are home and hopefully all is well!! We are praying for you guys!!
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