It really was a blessing that my parents live close enough that they could take care of Mr. E for us while I delivered Baby J and while we spent time in the NICU with him. I can't thank them enough for everything they did for us with Mr. E.
We have lived in our ward for not even a year and they have reached out to help us so much. They have brought us dinners, helped me clean, and brought gifts for Baby J. They have even offered to help with Mr. E.
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Priesthood blessings from Lawrence, my father, and my brother came at the times we needed them. Baby J was the recipient of multiple blessings as were Lawrence and I. Blessings of healing and comfort are some of the biggest tender mercies.
An ample milk supply. This may seem like more information that you may want, but it has been such a blessing that I have not had to struggle with this. While Baby J was in the NICU he was not allowed to eat (until after his surgery) so I pumped and froze milk, and now that he is able to eat I am able to give him the best food for him.
That we are close enough to Primary Children's that we were able to spend as much time as we could with Baby J and still be able to see Mr. E each night as well. Not to mention to excellent doctors, nurses, and surgeons that were able to help our sweet boy and be with him when we couldn't.
Friends that we made while Baby J was in the NICU. The rooms in the NICU have 5 beds in them and our room was full. Of the 5 babies in the room we were able to make friends with 3. They helped lift our spirits and fill the hours of waiting with conversation. It was wonderful to have others to talk to who were experiencing many of the same things we were. It was also a blessing for me to be able to share bracelet sets with them.
Despite this experience being very trying, we experienced many blessings and these are just a few. Counting blessings and tender mercies brought comfort during this trial.
What you share is an equal comfort to us. We know what a hard time this was (and will still be), but feel blessed knowing that not only have there been tender mercies, but that you're stregth and testimony allow you to see and acknowledge them. You continue to be such an example to all of us. We love you and cannot wait to hug Mr. E again and meet Baby J.
Wow, you've been through so much! I'm just so glad that it looks like the HD can be cured. I bet you're not loving the hospital and all its memories. I will pray for you guys. He is the CUTEST baby boy EVER!!
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