Lawrence likes to call me the Christmas music Grinch because I don't like Christmas music before Thanksgiving. I am of the opinion that each holiday should have its own time to shine and playing Christmas music before Thanksgiving takes away from a wonderful holiday. That being said, I do like Christmas music, just in its proper time.
It is a fairly well-known fact that music is a big part of my life. My mother plays the piano and organ, my dad sings, and from the time I was three-years-old I wanted to play the "sloop" like aunt "bebbie." I started playing the piano at about age 4, but don't ask me to play in front of an audience because I freeze and somehow forget how to read music or something. Finally, when I started Jr. High I got my wish and started flute (sloop). From day one it became my new passion. I played all through jr. high and high school and decided to study music education in college.

Enter my bass playing hunk. When I first started college my mom said something to me about not marrying a fellow music major because musicians just tend to be broke unless they somehow make it BIG. Unfortunately studying music takes a lot of time and dedication, and music majors tend to spend the vast majority of their time in the performing arts building surrounded by other music majors. I dated a bit, but only a few guys were not music majors. Then I met Lawrence, surprisingly not in the music building, but at Walmart. He was also studying music, Jazz History, playing double bass. When talk of marriage started he said "I hope you don't mind being broke the rest of your life." But Money wasn't really a foremost issue in my mind because I knew he would work hard and do whatever it took to provide for our family. It makes me incredibly happy that Lawrence is so musically talented and can enjoy many of the same things I do when it comes to music. I am also grateful that we can have incredibly nerdy conversations about music and understand each other.
I am thankful for the musical talents my family has been
And just because I think he is the cutest ever, here is my Mr. E singing his little heart out.
We look forward to hearing you play your sloop, Christmas music and all.
We need to get together to play our sloops. :)
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