Saturday, August 10, 2013

Physically Speaking

I still see people who ask how I am doing, physically, after everything and with the pregnancy.  So I will give a quick report.

Sept. 2012, Brigham City Temple
I was given the all clear from my orthopedist (bone dr.) last March and proceeded with two months of physical therapy to help bring my left leg back up to par.  I worked with a great team of physical therapists and before too long I was off the cane and (mostly) keeping up with my running toddler.  Just as I was finishing that up I was given the all clear from my neurology team for the soft neck brace and some physical therapy, so we moved on to that.  I wore the soft brace pretty much all day for about two weeks, then gradually wore it less and less until I wasn't wearing it at all.  I spent another two months doing physical therapy for that with the same team that helped with my pelvis/hip.

I still get some stiffness in my neck, especially if I don't sleep on a good pillow and my neck won't pop the way it used to.  I can pretty much keep up with my little man, but I never was a runner and don't plan on ever being one.  Occasionally the baby will sit somewhere or kick something that makes my hip/pelvis hurt and even before I was pregnant if I stood just the wrong way for too long my left leg would kind of go dead and collapse, but that doesn't happen too often.  There is still a numb spot on the inside of my left knee that sustained some nerve damage.  I could have it looked at, but there really isn't anything they can do about it so there's no point.  It really isn't a bother, just a little weird sometimes.  I still have the pseudo aneurism in my carotid artery and I have to go in for a CAT scan about once a year or so.  I went in before I got pregnant and the dr. gave me the all clear and said to go back for another when I finish nursing.  They said it appears to be healing but I am still on a low dose of aspirin just to be safe.

After the accident I had problems with my scalp.  It got really flaky and I developed huge sores all over, we think it was some kind of psoriasis.  I tried egg yolk masks, coconut oil masks, lavender essential oil, tee tree oil, jojoba oil, tea tree shampoo, and combinations of these and nothing seemed to work.  I am happy to announce that a few months ago my scalp started to clear up and is now sore free!

As far as pregnancy goes, I am having a lot of the normal pregnancy pains and issues.  I was nauseas for the first few months, but never really sick and around week 11 that went away and I have been feeling better since.  Like I said before, sometimes baby kicks or sits in a bad place and makes my left pelvis/hip hurt.  I have been feeling some ligament pain as things stretch and move around.  With it being summer I have been swelling some and I recently picked up a dummy ring to wear in place of my wedding ring on days when the swelling gets too bad.  My belly is starting to look like a baby belly rather than me just gaining some weight and that makes me happy.

All-in-all it is a true blessing and a bit of a miracle that I have healed as well as I have and I really have little residual issues.  I credit that to hard work and to Priesthood blessings.


Debbie Freeman said...

Love the update and so excited for you guys!!!

alyssa said...

so glad you're doing even better now and i can't wait for your new baby boy to make his debut!

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