One of the first dates Lawrence took me on was to play card games with Grandad and Grandma. I fell in love with these two people instantly. Grandad and his stories, Grandma and her sweet demeanor and treats (Grandma learned early that I like Cheetos so she always made sure to have some on hand for me). They have a beautiful home on the Snake River with an immaculate yard that Grandad kept with such care that it made the city work a little harder on its neighboring property.

It is so hard to see Grandad bedridden and wasting away, but the spirit in their room is so incredibly strong. On Sunday Lawrence and a few of his friends that he plays bluegrass music with went to the Homestead and played music for the residents. They gathered quite a crowd in the lobby and the residents really seemed to enjoy the music. When they were done Nyk and Diane were gracious enough to take a little more time to play a few songs for Grandad who was unable to venture out to the lobby. He smiled so big and I saw the Grandad I met five years ago. They played three songs for Grandad that were so perfect for their short visit and really seemed to make his day.
One song they played was "Go Gently Sweet Afton." I have always loved the song, but it means more to me now and makes me cry every time. While they were playing and singing that song someone else was entertaining Edward and I was able to just enjoy the music and the spirit in the room. That is when it really hit me, Ethne was there, and had been a lot. And not only was she there with us, but other angels were visiting as well. I didn't get a distinct impression as to the identities of the other visitors, but I would be willing to bet that Billy was there too. After that I didn't want to leave. It was suddenly an even sweeter place.
Angels do attend us in our times of need and sometimes we don't even know it.
Grandad passed away Wed., May 8, 2013 at 3:30 am. His obituary can be found here.
The love and support in your family is amazing! I'm glad his suffering ended, and he's with his loved ones again!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Such a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing!
Thank for this sweet post, thank you for the spirit it brought.
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