President Spencer W. Kimball was the prophet when I was born, but he died when I was only a couple of years old. I have no memories of seeing or hearing him while he was alive. A couple of years ago I discovered a podcast titled "Classic Speeches." This podcast is comprised of talks and speeches given at BYU as far back as the 1950's. Through this podcast, I feel I have been given an opportunity to get to know many of the general authorities from before my time. Some of my favorite speakers that I have listened to are Elder Hugh B. Brown, Elder LeGrand Richards, and President Ezra Taft Benson (I do remember seeing him in conference, but he died when I was still in elementary school).

Flash back to a few years ago, when I first got back from my mission. I took a religion class titled "Teachings of the Living Prophets" from my old seminary teacher, Brother Chelson. In this class we studied and discussed the teachings of each member of the first presidency and quorum of the 12 apostles that were currently living. At one point we talked about the calling of an apostle we were asked to read in President Kimball's biography about his being called as an apostle to gain some insight.
Since the accident, I have been doing a lot of reading. Since I had read some of President Kimball's story, and I had grown to enjoy his words so much, I decided I wanted to know more about his life.
As I read, it amazed me how much he seemed to worry about how inadequate he felt as he continued to grow. With everything that I have felt I've had to do since Melissa's accident I have also felt inadequate about my church service, being able to take care of my family, and so many other aspects of my life. I have especially struggled with worries about the type of father I was to Ethne. I constantly find myself critiquing the time I spent with her, and trying to do things differently with Edward. It was comforting to know that someone who had lived his life so well and worked so hard to serve the Lord felt some of the same things I have felt.
One aspect of his story that really effected me was with President Kimball's father. His father was not a stranger to loosing loved ones. He lost both children and wives. Even with all of those loses, he said that he couldn't complain because of how much the Lord had blessed him. Seeing the strength demonstrated in President Kimball's family makes it obvious to me how he grew to become such a great leader. I also saw this admirable quality in his father. Some days it's hard to think of what was taken in order for us to receive some of the blessing we have, but I keep reminding myself that they are blessing and that even the best blessings are still to come.
If you have not yet had the chance to read Spencer W. Kimball I recommend that you do. Take a look into the life of this magnificent Prophet who has left behind a great legacy of love that everyone can learn from.
Thank you for reminding us about what a great man, example, prophet, seer and revelator Pres. Spencer W. Kimball was. I loved reading the book about his life several years ago.
Love, Grandma E.
I have always considered Pres. Kimball "my prophet" as he was the prophet through my pre-teen and some of my teen years. Just knowing he was the prophet and one to turn to for counsel was comforting. What a blessing it is to still be able to find comfort in his life and example even now that he is gone.
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