Wondering if this blog does good for anyone but me. Wondering if anyone other than my family and a few friends really read this.
Today was my niece's 4th birthday, a birthday my little girl won't get to celebrate.

I miss my little girl. I miss buying girly toys and books. I miss buying girly clothes. I miss her girly giggle and her girly run. I miss painting her nails and putting piggies in her hair (or lack thereof). I miss bed time prayers and morning snuggles. My sweet niece (and her mom) lets me do some of these things, but she's just not mine and that means it's not quite the same.

My SIL and her family (including my niece) are moving to Germany for three years. I'm happy for them and the adventures they will have, but I'm sad for me because one of my best friends will be half-way around the world and I'm going to miss them all.

We are going to be moving some time in the near future. I'm excited and scared all the same. We will be leaving the apartment Ethne helped us pick. We will be leaving the wards who helped and supported us before, during, and after the accident. We will meet new people who never knew Ethne and likely won't know about the accident. But we will have a home of our own and a fresh start.
The closer we get to next Wed. the more I find myself crying. I can't believe it's been almost a year.
The LDS church publishes magazines for edification and uplifting. the February issue has two great articles. Here and here.
I'm turning my brain off for a little bit now.
I am one who reads this blog and still prays for your family. We all struggle with something, but the true gospel living makes it a little easier. It doesn't mean we don't grieve, it means we have a bright hope of our wonderful reunion! Hugs!
I bet you'd be amazed at the number of people who read your blog.
I read your blog (use to be in your ward long ago we lived next to the Christensens). You give me a whole new perspective on eternal families and the gospel. I pray for you and your beautiful family. I have lost love ones and know I will be reunited with them and so I cry and grieve but not the same as those who do not have the gospel. I kind of felt guilty at first but then felt the spirit witness to me that we are eternal and will be together again soon. It is such a blessing to think of it that way and it helps me get through the loss. Thank you for your testimony and your sweet spirit. I can not imagine your pain but know I think of you often.
Thank you for thinking out loud. Thank you for sharing! I always feel very selfish about how much I learn and grow from this blog. It does me more good than you will ever know and I appreciate and love every post!! Love you!
Thank you for writing. I have gotten a lot of comfort from your blog. I really appreciated your last post on anger. It helped me to realize I was holding onto some anger of my own. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Know that I pray for you.
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