Melissa loves dandelions. From as early as I can remember I would get bouquets of dandelions from both her and Josh. As a mom I would accept these and put them in water and think about all the dandelions I needed to go kill in the yard. Melissa not only loved the yellow dandelions but also the white ones. You know, the weeds that blow in the wind and make all of us frustrated the next spring when you found them in your yard. One of Melissa's favorite pictures is of a beautiful white dandelion just waiting to be blown. Melissa also loved the stems. Do you know the stems will curl when put in water? She loved to collect them and teach this trick to anyone who would do it with her. She shared this loved of this flower with Ethne. I can't tell you how many white blossoms were blown by this little girl.
Isn't this flower miraculous? Heavenly Father made this flower. Yes we look on it as a weed, but what a beautiful flower. It blossoms in a beautiful yellow, closes, comes back in white and lets the wind (or a gentle blow from a child) carry its seeds away to then bring back more beautiful yellow flowers.
I hope in a way this blog is like a dandelion. I hope it will bring joy to people who read it and see what a wonderful, sweet family Melissa and Lawrence have created, with the help of our Heavenly Father. I hope that the seeds of this blog will be spread by those who read it and bring happiness and joy to others.
Melissa blow all the dandelions you want!!
Posted by Shauna
Great analogy! I used to love blowing dandelion 'whites' into the wind when I was young, not knowing the effect I was having. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!
I will look at all the dandelions my students bring me a bit differently now. Thank you. Love you.
Thank you for the sweet reminder of all things bright and beautiful--especially little girls and dandelions.
Since I found out what happened to this beautiful family, I've been wanting to send Melissa a message, but I wasn't sure when or where..... I'm hoping you'll be able to get this to her!
I'm not sure how well you remember me, but it's Lori; we took jazz methods and a handful of other classes together.
I didn't ever have the opportunity to meet Ethne, but I remember how excited you were for her. And how impressed I was that you continued taking classes right through your pregnancy!
I cannot imagine what these last months have been for you and Lawrence. But my prayers remain with you.
As my husband and I first started trying to have a family, I had a miscarriage. It was early enough that I didn't even know I was pregnant until it was too late. My sister told me something that I have never forgotten. You know this already, I'm sure, but as a mother who has and is still grieving for a child, I would like to remind you that what was once ours will remain ours throughout the eternities.
Ethne is a beautiful little girl. And Edward is so adorable! I just wanted you to know that I know that you will see her again, and that she knows of her parents' love for her.
My love, support, and prayers will always be with you.
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