Sunday, April 8, 2012


I was raised in a home where we didn't put a lot of emphasis on Easter baskets and candy. We were taught about Christ and the Resurrection. We didn't get Easter dresses, but I remember being really happy that Melissa's birthday was right around Easter so even though I didn't buy her an Easter dress I could make her a dress that doubled as an Easter dress and her birthday dress.

I remember Ethne's first Easter and I made her her Easter dress. Scott rolled his eyes at me and reminded me that was not how we celebrated Easter. I told him I didn't care, I'm a grandma now and I can do whatever I want.

However, that isn't what Easter is about. Easter is so much more than pretty spring dresses and egg hunts.

Easter is the reminder to me that we will see our Ethne again. That she is watching over us and is with our Living Savior.

I am beyond grateful for this Easter. I have a deeper appreciation for what Jesus suffered. He not only suffered for our sins but he suffered our pain and anguish.

In General Conference last week Elder Paul E. Koelliker said, "Both modern and ancient scripture are full of reminders of Heavenly Father’s eternal love for His children. I am confident that our Heavenly Father’s arms are constantly extended, ever ready to embrace each one of us and say to each one with that quiet, piercing voice, 'I love you.'"

In the past 2 months since Ethne left us I have felt this love. I have felt his arms around me.

Gabe is at an age where he doesn't quite understand time and the infinity of it. He understands that he is 6 and Ethne is 2 and his parents are older (oh he knows our exact age and tells us it on a regular basis), but he doesn't understand we can't give me a year or a day when Ethne will be here with us again, but he knows for a certainty that will happen. He doesn't understand why at times I cry because I miss Ethne. To him she isn't gone forever. She will be resurrected and he will see her again so why should I cry. I love his eternal perspective. I love that even though he is 6 he understands resurrection and the gift it is.

I am thankful for each of my children and grandchildren and the lessons they have taught me and continue to teach me about Heavenly Father's infinite love and eternal truths.

I have thought at times about the love that Heavenly Father has for his children and the anguish he felt as he watched his Son, Jesus Christ, crucified. I have thought I understood a part of that anguish as I have raised my children. If I do it is a VERY small part. I have a greater appreciation for what Heavenly Father lets us experience and how hard it is for him to watch what we go through here on earth. He has the ultimate power. He could put so many laws and restrictions on us so we have no choices, but we would all return to him. There are times as a parent and grandparent these restrictions sound great, but there are so many things we would miss out on this way. So many joys along with sorrows. HIS way is the best way.

May we all remember that Easter is about the GREATEST GIFT EVER GIVEN by a loving Brother and Father.

I miss you Ethne but am so thankful I know where you are. Today I picture you dancing and skipping with your Brother.



Debbie Freeman said...

Thank you Shauna. Beautifully written. Love you!

Becky said...

From the very depth of my heart, thank you for all that you are able and willing to share. You are each such a blessing to us all.

Kim P. Edwards said...

Thank you, Shauna. We were definitely thinking happy thoughts of Ethne yesterday. I love the way you put your thoughts into words.

Unknown said...

Shauna thank you for your sweet post.

Jana said...

Shauna, my thoughts were turned to you and the family during conference. I felt the same remark touch my heart and mind and knew that all would be well with you and Melissa and her family!

We spent conference with mom and dad and David and his crew came in. We were able to listen to conference with everyone and I was sharply reminded about our eternal family ties and the work that mom and dad are doing to ensure that those they teach and have influence over recieve and know without doubt what we know and cherish.

I must add my testimony to yours!!!

Love you guys!!


Marylynn Edwards Paul said...

Thanks so much for sharing, It's been a little while since I checked the blog and was touched by the sweet posts. So many times around this Easter Season the Atonement and the love our Savior showed us has seemed more significant than ever.

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