Wednesday, February 6, 2013


aaron and allee said...

Thinking of you and yours today. I put your names on the prayer roll at the Las Vegas Temple yesterday. May blessings of peace surround you in this time of grief.

Debbie Freeman said...

We love this sweet girl and we love you guys so much! You are in our hearts and prayers always!!

Sam said...

Your family has inspired me more than you will ever know. You have comforted and strengthened me without even knowing me. I am humbled each time I come here and read your words and feel the amazing spirit your family shares. I just wanted to Thank you for sharing on this day and let you know that you have made a difference in my life. Thank you. Your sweet children are blessed.

Anonymous said...

I have come to your blog often to see how your beautiful family is doing. I am so sorry for your loss. You are truly a remarkable family. I know the truck driver personally and he is so sorry that more couldn't have been done to prevent this tragedy. I have told him of your prayers for him. Please know that your family is in our prayer too. Through the Lords tender mercies I was able to find you blog and want you to know how truly sorry we are for your loss. You give strength when you yourself need it the most. May The Lord continue to keep you safe.

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